
I Don’t Elephant That

by Lucky Red Hen on November 15, 2012

There is a home builder in the area who has an elephant as part of their logo. A giant, red elephant. For some reason, their marketing people came up with substituting their elephant for a heart (which a lot of people read as “love,” such as in a graphic that states, “I [heart] you,” meaning I love you.) Or maybe they don’t mean for it to be a heart/love and really want us to read it as it looks.

I Elephant My Neighborhood

These graphics were so small that I spliced them together into a triple threat:
I Elephant Ivory Services
I Elephant I H
I Elephant My Home

A few of us on Twitter (and in real life) have adopted this terminology and sometimes confuse others when we use it, as in, “I don’t elephant that,” and, “I REALLY don’t elephant that.”

Does it make sense? No. But now you know what we mean when we use it…

elephant = love (apparently)

So if elephant equals love then what’s this next example supposed to mean? “I glove M J.” I’ll assume that it means that she loves Michael Jackson (although his famous glove was white with sparkles, not a red DON’T WALK symbol with a heart shape in the palm), but she should instead wear a shirt that says, “I LOVE MICHAEL JACKSON!”

But I guess it’s better than a t-shirt printed with a bunch of hamburgers or hot dogs.

I don’t elephant that.

But I DO elephant mustard.

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