WPPI 09 – Las Vegas, baby!

by Lucky Red Hen on February 20, 2009

I’m back from Vegas but my body is behaving like it hasn’t left.
Five days of late nights (interpreted as early mornings, like 4am early mornings), walking miles and miles and miles… to and from the conference center, the drinking water drought (I’m deathly afraid of the disease-ridden water fountains, the bottled water started at $3 and waitresses and bartenders looked at me like I was a cyclopse when I asked for a water), cigarette-saturated breathing air (cough cough hack choke) and trying to dance like I was still 25 :p
Last year‘s smoke inhalation didn’t seem as bad as this time. And I didn’t get over to my favorite restaurant, Mon Amie Gabi, like I wanted to (it’s a taxi ride from our hotel). I didn’t do any shooting this year either, even though I brought my pro camera. And I certainly didn’t arrive in Vegas the way I did last time either (too cold and far)! But I did see some of my friends this time that I did last time :)
With all that misery, I can’t wait to go back to be inspired, learn-ed (gotta say it like you see it… learn Ed), networked (I love knowing other great photographers from around the world) and reconnected with friends (and meeting new one’s)! Fingers crossed for next year (when it’s NOT on Valentine’s Day weekend… geez!)
Laurel McConnell & DJ Karl:
They’re from Seattle. Laurel kept me plugged
in to the goings-on (and we kept each other
from falling asleep during presentation). And
Karl, what can I say about Karl… he’s infectuous
with his friendly smile and happiness :)

Alison Bates (Nate’s girlfriend – wink):
She and I met at the Jose Villa Mexico ’07 Workshop
and I love her (mostly because she’s Nate’s girlfriend, haha)
Brian Adams; photographer, gentleman
& Edit Team guru (I think that’s his title)
whom I met at my first WPPI trip
(thankfully, because I could dance and not
worry about him expecting more – wink)

Mark Edgington (OSP West in San Louis Obispo ’07) had
me laughing whenever we were in the same room (even
from ACROSS the room) or sitting at the restaurant making
fun of Trevor and his hand gestures (oh, I cried it was so funny).
This pic was taken our last day right before he took off :(

Brian Greenberg of Richard Photo Lab
Look at him pull off that hat with his blue eyes!
I kept calling him “Richard” in Mexico, where we met,
only because it irritated him so much. But, luckily, he
has forgiven me enough to invite me to his swanky party
that had great people and yummy food… thanks, Brian!

My BUDDY’S, Colin Michael (BFAM) and Aimee Cooper
at the cool Peppermill Lounge OFF the strip (like FAR off).

Hey, look! It’s Colin again! My brotha from anotha motha (BFAM)!

This is David Burke (with an E) and my maiden name is
withOUT an E (Burk). Congrat’s on the upcoming baby E :)

Dennis Orchard, amazing photographer and print judge
from England. He’s given me valuable print advice.
I haven’t entered a print competition yet, but might someday.

Ed & Monica Pingol family ;) They were always smiling :D

The hunks who make up Edit Team. Troy Battle on the left
(he’s my kindred spirit – laughed ALL the time), Darren Green
& Brian Adams (again, lucky me). Thanks, guys, for the prize
I won (free editing)! Now I can start shooting again ;)

My neighbors (they’re in Redmond, I’m in Woodinville),
Gerald and Airika Pope at the Trade Show right before I
dragged them over to an impressive album company,
ImageCapsule.com, who has waterproof (hello Seattle)
albums that are sturdy, don’t warp and 3-day turn around!

My friend, Jason Groupp, from NY (could you tell?),
who humors me to no end. He had me going in 2007
at OSP West with a joke about a bus stop. HILARIOUS!

My southern sister, Jeanann Wilkinson, who I met in Mexico
and had lively discussion about one of the 3 taboo’s (religion).
Wish we could’ve hung out more this year :( Next time ;)

Oh, my, gosh! I can’t say enough about this tiny thing. It’s
Jillian Kay of the famous “Dear Silly Lady” fame ;) She may
be small, but she sure does pack a punch! Sure love ya, JK!
Oh, and LOVED your story about the candy necklace :D
Birthday boy, Joel Serrato, at the Venetian restaurant,
Canaletto, for the Richard Photo Lab party.
He makes me laugh with his pursed lips ;)

The godfather of shooting outside the box, John Michael Cooper
of AltF fame. We met awkwardly a couple years ago at OSPW 1.
I ran up to him and gave him a huge hug (he’s not used
to that), and he looked at me like I was crazy. But I’ve
grown on him over the years and he was all ready
this time to accept my neglect to respect his
personal space! Yay, John :D

Here’s another Jon. Jonathan Canlas of Film is Not Dead.
He likes to eat faces. I guess mine is yummy.

Mmm. This is my beautiful friend, Jose Villa.
That’s really all I can say without tearing up over this fella.
DJ Karl Berger, from Seattle. We were all sweaty from
dancing at the Gobee Bag party at the Luxor.

The ever lovely Lacie Hansen who works with Jose Villa.
She shoots, she models, she assists, she rocks ;D
Me with Laurel McConnell. She makes me laugh and
I like being around her. Look at how CUTE she is!
Linda Chaja (chai-ya) and I at the Venetian.
She’s smiling because she likes being near me ;)
Oh geez, this should be at the top (one of the first pics
taken), but it’s tricky to do without losing all my stuff!
Me with Mark Edgington at a restaurant at 330am.
I’m surprised my eyes don’t look worse after laughing
so hard we cried at Trevor Meeks and his hand gestures!

I met Tara Marie at Robin’s mini-session pool side (We Doodle Do
Album Design). She’s sweet and from TEXAS (I heart TX)!
Me and Simone Germaine Sutton on our last day
LOOKING like it’s our last day LOL! Exhausted!
Awe, this is THE sweetest guy at WPPI (no offense to the
other guys, but he’s really so gentle). His landscape images
are unbelievable (really, it’s like I don’t believe they’re real)
and he also has a royalty-free music site that’s great for
websites, slideshows and background music in your studio!
It’s Shawn Reeder and I’m glad I know him :)
Oh. My. Goodness. This is the ever popular (and shrunken
head miniature girl) Roxanne Benton of Pixel 2 Canvas!
We finally got to smooch all over each other after years of
chatting online (sounds creepy, but it isn’t). Their canvas’
ROCK and their DUCKS rock just as much (but not more).
Oh, Roxie, I miss you already (and smooch yo man from me)!
Me with Riley Kimball (A+R Photography in Arizona).
You may remember him from when I went to OSPW 1.
He was a pleasant surprise. I wasn’t expecting to see him!

Troy Battle (also from Edit Team)… we kept each other laughing!
We know each other from OSP (online photography forum),
so it was fun meeting in person, finally. See ya next time!

Trevor Meeks, of Meeks Digital, who I also know from the
photography forum and OSPW 1. He’s a good sport to put
up with my joking. Great hand gestures, Meeks! :p

Oh my Tomas Flint from Rochacha, NY! I LOVED running into
him in the halls of the MGM Grand (you’re the BEST, Tom).
He won’t read what’s on his belt buckle ;)

OSP peeps: Ed & Monica Pingol, Tim Co., Katie Pangburn
and yours truly at the WPPI 09 Trade Show floor!

Me with the Halberg’s, Tim and Cheryl in the
longest hallway known to man (or woman).

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Family of Eight Portrait, Orem, UT

by Lucky Red Hen on December 8, 2008

(you may click on the picture to view a larger version)

May I just say that I miss my Utah friends more than I realized I would? (“Yes, yes you can since this is your blog,” you say.)

When we moved there 6.5 years ago, we told ourselves that we wouldn’t get attached because we’d be moving back to the NW within two years (never wanted to move there in the first place, but that’s another story).

Well, 2 years turned into five (but I’ve heard similar stories from people who’ve been there 14 years and counting) and I think the extra three years were the nitty-gritty years that solidified my soul to Utah.

Eee ghads, did I just admit that there’s a place in my soul dedicated to Utah (“Yes, yes you did,” you say)?

Yes, yes I did.

There… it’s out in cyberspace for all to witness. Yikes.

Anywho, the family featured in today’s post is absolutely one of the reasons my mind was changed about Utah. My kids are best buds with her kids, and I adore them all (which is surprising for me because I’m famous for not liking kids — they’re just so hard to be around).

(Holding up a glass of bubbling water…) here’s to my Utah friends. I adore you all.

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We Doodle Do Saves My Hide: Album Designer

by Lucky Red Hen on November 28, 2008

Remember Esther & Paul?

Well, their wedding album is not only finished and delivered but also featured on DoodleDo’s album design site! I have been dealing with a sickly computer and unable to design the album myself, so I turned to Robin and Bruce of WeDoodleDo to save my hide (THANKS Bruce & Robin!).

Take a look at their entire album HERE.

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Lunch with Photographers in Centralia, WA

by Lucky Red Hen on November 24, 2008

Forgive my absence in posting, especially since there are so many stories to tell!

Like the ghost poop on the sidewalk, frosh art from a Burien Arts Council fundraiser (people don’t normally GO to Burien), the Twilight premier (and the altercation I started with 12 women), random pictures of people, carrots I kept taking back to Costco (not really worthy of it’s own post, so I’ll just tell you right here that no matter the ‘freshness date,’ we kept getting slimy, bitter and disgusting baby carrots) and the close-minded vs. open-minded debate.

In the meantime, how ’bout hop over to my friends blog to see me with cigarette butts (yes, there ARE pictures so it’s worth the click).

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Sidebar Linkies

by Lucky Red Hen on November 17, 2008

If you link to my blog and I DON’T have you listed on my sidebar linkies, would you kindly leave a comment here with your URL (link address) so I can consider adding you?

I say “consider” because if you’re pron, a sicko (not in the physical sense, but the mental), don’t regularly post (why give my readers, all 3 of them, a dead link), post pictures or text that might be considered offensive by the majority of my readers (again, all 3 of them, so that’s a tight margin and not very good odds), a better photographer than me that I don’t know in person (really, why would I want to point out that I’m not as good as I think I am, hmm?), don’t linkie to me or someone I just don’t want to link to then I won’t add the link.

That’s pretty simple, isn’t it?

Maybe I already have everybody (all 3 of you) that reads me (and my poor comment section will remain neglected).

Poor, poor section.

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by Lucky Red Hen on November 14, 2008

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Hef's 'Like a Father'

by Lucky Red Hen on November 12, 2008

Say WHAT?!?

I got entertainment from watching The Girls Next Door, just like anyone else who likes to watch it, but for Hef to be like a FATHER to a girl (Kendra Wilkinson, whose laugh could drive me to drink) he slept with?!? Gross.

Yeah, he’s old, paid for her living expenses and bought her things like a father would do, but do they gotta go and say he’s ‘Like a Father’ to her? Eww.

How about just say she respects him or looks up to him?

P.S. Apparently, Kendra’s fiance, Hank Baskett, is a graduate from my high school in Clovis, NM.

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What's In A Name?

by Lucky Red Hen on November 4, 2008

Oh, the name :) I thought I had explained the name on my blog before, but I just looked and it seems I hadn’t… just posted the logo. I get asked that all the time and wish I had a fun story, but I don’t. It was quite the process going over all sorts of possible words and phrases. Somewhere, probably still in moving boxes from over a year ago, there are scratch papers with ideas written then scribbled out.

My actual name is already taken by an comedic actress and a girl involved in a murder (two different people, not a murdering actress), so using my name plus ‘photography’ was out. Besides, our last name gets butchered all the time as Hudson, Hodgkins, Hobson and Hubson so I didn’t want to worry about spelling over and over (see my side bar on baby names to get my drift).

Two worded phrases that I thought might work were already being used (Hocus Focus anyone?), so I had to go with three and do a search to make sure the three don’t come up in an existing business.

I have a beef about mispelling on purpose too: Kim’s Kreations, Krazy Kar Korner (isn’t that an actual business name in Utah somewhere?), Foto To Go, Sooper Sweaty (you catch what I’m throwing here, don’tcha?)

Although I don’t believe in being lucky (like Harpo, “I feel that luck is preparation meeting opportunity”), I like the word a lot. When I see it written or hear someone say it I get happy inside – it’s a happy word. I love the color red, not so much to wear but to look at and decorate with (considered using “rosso” instead of red but figured I’m not Italian, nor do I speak Italian, so that went out the window). My very first eBay purchase years ago was a 41′ wooden rooster from Africa (I had a thing for roosters but it’s not like I want a bunch of rooster stuff all over my house), but I’m a girl so I adapted to use hen (chick didn’t flow) instead of rooster.

Since the name story is so boring, maybe you could come up with a better one? When someone asks me, “How did you come up with your name?” I could have something much clever to say! Add it to the comments and we’ll vote to see which one is the best. Come on, let’s play…

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