Tubal ligation (TL), sterilization, tubes tied, permanent birth control, fixed, spayed. Whatever you want to call it, it’s 99% effective in preventing pregnancy the first year. Subsequent years reduces the effectiveness slightly because there is a rare chance, depending on the procedure, the fallopian tube(s) can reform and/or reconnect, allowing the possibility of fertilization.
I know someone who got pregnant after her husband got a vasectomy… TWICE
…two vasectomies, two pregnancies (she had a TL done after the second surprise baby).
TL is also intended to be permanent, but surgical reversal of the procedure is possible (I also know someone who’s done this and was able to have another baby; not the same lady as mentioned above). The fallopian tubes can be cauterized, clipped (like a Chip Clip), blocked by tubal rings, or cut and sutured out of the way. My version was to cauterize closest to the uterus and toss as much of the tubes in the garbage so there is NO CHANCE of them growing back together. [shiver]
I had my TL 20 minutes after the birth of my second child. I already had an epidural for the birth, making anesthesia easy, and they went in through my belly button, just in case I didn’t want visible scars to ruin my chances of becoming a swimsuit model or table dancer (bahahaha). Recovery was a breeze (didn’t notice since all my guts were healing from the birth). The cost was much less because I was already at the hospital with an epidural so I was just, basically, paying for the doctor to do the surgery.
The anesthesiologist (dude, I just spelled that right the first time without spell check!) asked if I wanted to stay awake for the procedure or go under. Um, I just had a baby and don’t know when I’ll get deep sleep again so I chose go under :)
“Why didn’t you have your husband get a vasectomy instead? It’s much less invasive (30 minute out-patient), cheaper ($500 vs. 2k+), and quicker recovery.”
Because I am the one that doesn’t want to ever be pregnant again. More kids could be possible, but not out of my body. We would be parents to our nieces and nephew (if their parents die at the same time), we could adopt, or steal (depends how cute they are, j/k). If (knock on wood) I expire before my hubby, he could have more kidlets with his new wife if she wanted to. But if it were the other way around, sorry new hubby, baby factory CLOSED.
The benefits of having a TL done:
- no pregnancies (or bladder control issues due to them)
- no condoms (only 97% effective, as Ross/Joey found out)
- no birth control pills (remembering/forgetting to take them)
- no Depo Provera shots
- no diaphragm
- no cervical cap
- no patches
- no implants
- no sponges
- no prep (where’d we put the contraceptive?)
- no worry (am I or am I not?)
- no rhythm method (math is hard)
- oh, and no abstinence (plus you can do it anywhere, anytime)
Some numbers…
Apparently there are many women (up to 26%) who wish they hadn’t gotten a TL. At Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center, they receive requests for information about TL reversal 7 days a week, 365 days a year, from women who regret having a TL. The U.S. Collaborative Review of Sterilization found that 20% of women who were sterilized before the age of 30 regretted their decision. Regret has been shown to correlate with external pressure by the doctor, spouse, relatives, or others :( Fewer than 20 percent seek reversal and fewer than 10 percent go through with it.
My REASONS for not wanting more babies:
- I’m too old for this (doesn’t mean you’re too old for it).
- When my kidlets move out, I want to do other things.
- Kids are HARD. Maybe not for you, but for me they are.
- My patience level is about (pinches fingers) this big.
- Sleepless nights, feeding, diapers, potty training, crying…
- My back doesn’t do well with little ones; I’m kinda broken.
- Guilt with all aspects of properly/improperly parenting.
- Selflessness… I barely have enough for my existing children.
- My paranoia over EVERY STEP they take causes great anxiety.
- I’d be in the high risk pregnancy age group next time around.
Kristi (@TweetingMama) says she regrets her decision to undergo a TL following the birth of her daughter two years ago. Read about her experience at Our Mommyhood. You could’ve read my clever reply in the comments section of that post, if the power hadn’t gone out mid-typing (grumble).
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