New Years Eve and Day

by Lucky Red Hen on January 2, 2008

Last night we had 2 couples over for some no-kid fun; Britanny and Jake, Ben’s sister and her husband, and Brent and Emily, our friends (Ben’s best friend from HS and our only groomsman).

The guys ended up playing Rock Band the entire night while us girls gabbed, ate and gabbed some more. It was WAY fun having them over for girl-bonding. I didn’t end up minding that the boys did their thing (secretly, well not so much anymore now that I’ve published this post, I was a little annoyed when I realized they weren’t budging from the game — but I’m relaxing more when my ‘plans’ don’t go as ‘planned’ — as long as everyone enjoyed themselves, it’s all good in the ‘hood).

Emily sang a few songs, she’s GOOOD, and Britanny and I choreographed a few doo-wops and hand gestures as backup dancer girls. Rock Band has taught us the real lyrics of songs we’ve sung wrong all this time (rape and murder in one song repeatedly, yikes).

The kids were staying overnight at Grandma and Grandpa’s house (“Thanks”). It was their second time doing that without us with them and they had nothing but funfunfun. Piper and Alice (Britanny and Jake’s 3yr old) horsed around until 11pm-ish the first time so this time we had other tactics (not sleeping in the same room) and the report back was that they did much better. If Grandma is brave enough to invite them to do it again, hopefully it’ll get even easier so that there’s no late-night shenanigans anymore. Piper postpones sleeping at our house lately, so it’s no surprise, but we hope that the kids are on their best behaviors when outside our jurisdiction LOL. Hopefully when school starts back up again this week she’ll get to sleep quicker. For my sanity, if anything.

Then today (well, technically ‘yesterday’ except I haven’t gone to bed yet so that still means it’s ‘today’ for me, which is technically yesterday, you catch my drift) we met at a bowling alley for the annual Bowling Tournament. Ben’s folks started this tradition YEARS ago with a traveling trophy that gets passed down to the next winner every year. Brett’s won two years in a row then Mark stole it last year and wasn’t here this year to defend his championship so Ben ended up taking the title (although we left the trophy at the folks since we’re mysteriously misplacing everything in the new place since we moved).

Here’s Jack bowling a frame, with Piper jumping through the shot as any 4yr old will do… dangit… nevermind… I’m learning the YouTube posting thing and it didn’t work right. I’ll try again tomorrow.


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Another Crazy Name

by Lucky Red Hen on December 30, 2007

Just saw this one today of a newborn baby… Matisyn. Really? WHY WHY WHY?!?

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Which Jane Austen Character Are You?

by Lucky Red Hen on December 27, 2007

I am Marianne Dashwood!:: M A R I A N N E ::
You are Marianne Dashwood of Sense & Sensibility!
You are impulsive, romantic, impatient,
and perhaps a little to vocal in your honesty.
You enjoy romantic poetry and novels,
and play the pianoforte beautifully.
To boot, your singing voice is captivating.
You feel deeply, and love passionately.

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Reason for the Season

by Lucky Red Hen on December 24, 2007

Tonight at the in-laws, Grandpa asked Piper (4) why we have Christmas…

“Because if we don’t have Christmas Santa won’t bring presents and that’s why we have Christmas.”

We had been talking about the true meaning of Christmas just hours earlier during our last-minute-shopping spree. We even re-discussed that Santa brings the kids 3 gifts each (two plus the stocking) to remind them of the 3 gifts the wisemen brought Jesus when he was born.

So Grandpa asked Jack (7) the same question…

“It’s to remember Jesus’ birth in a stable.”

Phew… I’m not that bad of a mother!

Merry Christmas everyone! May your season be filled with the peace and comfort of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

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Comment for Cancer

by Lucky Red Hen on December 21, 2007

Don’t comment HERE… click on this link and leave a comment. If there are 500 individual comments left, then my friend, Jose, will donate $1000 to Children’s Cancer Research Fund. Easy peasy!

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The Atonement

by Lucky Red Hen on December 20, 2007

My friend, Jacqui, sent me this email today about her experience at church recently:

Today in Sacrament we listened to 6 men they wore short haircuts and white shirts with colorful ties, they smiled and joked. They looked like you and me but this was a sacrament meeting unlike any other I have ever attended and one of the most sobering times I think I shall ever experience but also one of the most spiritual times I shall ever encounter.

Within our ward boundaries we have a drug rehabilitation center called the Renaissance Ranch. People come from all over the country to attend, but all are members of the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Days Saints. For an hour and a half our family and others listened to these men young and old confess that they were all recovering drug addicts and alcoholics.

You might think that these men were what you would consider your stereotypical drug addicts from broken homes and not very educated but they weren’t. These were men, who had been successful in their lives, who had been bishops son’s and had served missions, been sealed in the temple and had loving parents. As we listened they spoke to us of the devastation that drug addiction had played in their lives and how it has damaged their families. They spoke of what had brought them to this point and they also spoke of how the atonement was what had finally brought them home.

Our first young man spoke of how he had been in a family that looked perfect from outside but was emotionally distant within, though they attended church, they were unhappy as a family.

Our second young man from Arizona spoke of how he had served a mission, he was one of five kids and had loving parents but he also spoke of the expectations that come from being a latter day saint and how we are often given the message to be perfect and how often we are judged by those around us if we get it wrong and how we feel we sometimes cant live up to those expectations, so we live a lie. This young guy spoke of how he and his counselor wrote on a stick it note “today is the day I begin to live real.”

Are you living real? Are you happy with your life? Are you being really who you are? These were all questions he asked us. We aren’t expected to be perfect. Begin today by living real, being honest and open about what you really are.

Our third guy who spoke to us, he too had served a mission and had a good career, been married within the temple , he had a beautiful family with four children, he was sixty days clean, he had just two years ago began using drugs by the time he arrived at the renaissance ranch he was a heroin addict. He said he felt worthless till he was able to put the atonement within his life.

You see, yesterday I realized the power the atonement really has within our lives. These men told us that they had been to hell and back literally that they had done things that they were so ashamed of, that it was only through the atonement of Jesus Christ that they could stand before us and truly know they were forgiven.

Our last man who stood before us was not young, he was graying around the temples, he was older than the others, he looked like he had been here before but one thing he said touched everyone, he said “help someone around you who is struggling and help yourself in the process.”

I looked at my children today and wondered what lessons could be learnt from these men and the other recovering addicts that have passed through our ward this past year. I think the words that were spoken rang loudly in my ears; it’s okay to be you, to make mistakes. Today is the day we can all begin living real, the day we can use the Saviors atonement within our lives.

Today is the day we can look around us and realize we are all part of the same family and that when we help those around us suffering we help ourselves. I felt inspired to share this experience; it certainly made me think of what is real in my life. I hope you can for a moment ponder on what is real in your life and then if you feel someone else may benefit from reading this… PAY IT FORWARD.

I don’t think she meant to start an email chain by that last line. But I posted it because I thought it was a good point about being judgemental, (critical, if you will) even within our own families.

Recently, we had a family over for dinner and the husband made a comment that I found interesting. He told me, “I’m glad you talk to me.” Then he explained that he’s a friendly person and says “hi” to people who pass him. In his experience, he’s found that many women shrink away, especially if they see that he has a wedding ring. It’s as if because he’s wearing a ring, he shouldn’t talk to women other than his wife (um, what country do we live in?) or that means they’re going to have an affair. That broke my heart to think that a nice guy is getting treated that way because of a snap judgement being made. He doesn’t seem creepy or look weird – I’d understand if people were apprehensive if he were, although that wouldn’t be an acceptable excuse.

I wish more people would just be niiiice to everyone.

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Kristy's Bridals

by Lucky Red Hen on December 17, 2007

Kristy and Phil were married over the weekend in an intimate little ceremony on an old farmstead in Utah, Wadley Farms. NOW I can finally post her bridals. I’m still playing with different editing techniques, so their kind of all over the place as far as look goes. I love ’em, hope you do too ;o)

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My Christmas List

by Lucky Red Hen on December 17, 2007

All I want for Christmas is a bathroom door and insulation in the attic.

Pretty pitiful request, isn’t it?

Not diamonds or crafting items, photo gear or shoes. We are a healthy and happy family with no ‘needs’ that haven’t already been fulfilled (because, really, how many needs should we have?). I would just like a door for privacy and noise reduction. The insulation, well that’s a no brainer why I would want that… brr and chaching.

At dinner Friday night, we were told a story about a young family Monica knows (she helps take care of him/them) who are having some incredible hardships. Two under 3 with another on the way when dad is in an accident that leaves him paralyzed from the neck down and unable to work. He’s twenty-six and she’s twenty-three. Insurance cancels their policy, she has the baby and loses her job (I’m not sure in what order). Hopefully I’ll get their info pretty soon so those who are interested in helping their family this Christmas, and beyond, will be able to. They live in Utah.

We are blessed and I can’t complain.

UPDATE/EDIT: Monica sent me this…
I read your blog this morning. Thanks for what you said about Ben and his family. Here is a little info… Ben is a friend from Seattle. He has a 3 year old little boy named Aden. Aden is very shy, but very sweet. He likes anything to do with cars. Hailey is 2 and the cutest thing ever. She is more outgoing and often talks for her older brother. She loves kitty’s and anything girly. Ben’s wife Megan just gave birth to a new baby boy named Kurt Corey Brust after Ben’s dad that died a few months ago, and Corey is Ash’s little brother thats in Iraq. Baby Kurt is a sweet little guy. Here are a few links with more info about the family. Anyone who wants to help can email me (monica *at* brides club dot com) or they can go to Ash’s blog, and he has a donate button for a paypal account.

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