Plastic, please.

by Lucky Red Hen on June 6, 2008

In my old age, I’m realizing some of my quirks that began in my childhood.

Smell is a BIG thing for me. Would that make me “smelly?”

There’s a common breath smell, it seems, amongst some non-meat eaters. Don’t get all mad at me, I’m just telling it like it is (and it’s not EVERY one). Maybe it’s because they eat foods that are more spiced and flavored to make up for the missing meat. It’s kind of a garlic smell, very tart.

Some clothes manufactured in India smell of sulfur, kind of a matches scent (which you can eventually get out with vinegar and sunshine). Years ago, I bought a pair of pieced overalls (when they were all the rage) from eBay for a pretty penny (I think they were about $60 – they were only sold in boutiques with a boutique price). They wreaked even before I got them out of the box! After all the work I put into getting the smell out, they were out of style and I never wore them. What a waste of money! (P.S. I’m embarrassed to say they’re still hanging in my closet, and it’s been over six years.)

I remember one day at college in the recreation hall (bowling alley, arcade, billiards) when I walked past a particular game that gave me a whiff of my 5th grade friends house. The smell reminded me of white bread with margarine, Pepsi, scrambled eggs, M&M’s in the camper, and fried potatoes. No other game in the room smelled, at least not as noticeable as that one.

Nostalgia… I think that’s what my smells are all about. Most of them remind me of an event from my past. Polo cologne reminds me of EVERY guy in High School (hahaha). There’s a shampoo that reminds me of our family friends, the Everett’s, in Clovis, NM. Aqua Net hairspray reminds me of Maria Mares; that girl layed ON the hairspray nozzle. Lady Fingers firecrackers reminds me of Teresa Beardain’s back yard when someone stuck them in her swing set poles and set them off (never could fish them out so the burned stench remained). A butcher shop reminds me of our old Golden Retriever, Barney; we’d bring home cow legs for him. Lavender is one of my favorite smells that’s not really associated with a particular event except that sometimes it takes me back to the time Cathy and I took our little kids down to the Young Living Farm in Mona, UT (Yardley of London lavender liquid soap specifically reminds me of Carrabba’s in Orem). Miss Teenie’s house has a certain smell that I sometimes get a whiff of at a boutique store (she’s not sure what scents she uses, but she has plug-ins, soaps, and lotions that carry through her entire 14,000 sq ft not really but it feels like it sometimes house).

The other day we realized the shower curtain liner needed to be replaced. At $3 each, you’d think we’d take care of it before HAVING to, if you know what I mean. That bathroom is so moist, pink mold and mildew is kind of inevitable… so we replace the curtain instead of going through the hassle of cleaning it (about once a year). Yes, I do feel guilty about putting it in the landfill (I am partial to being GREEN, but don’t really do much yet), but I DO recycle so that lessens the guilt a titch. Ben hung it and I couldn’t help but shove my face into the newly unveiled plastic smell. Probably not the best thing for my lungs to be absorbing, of course, but it’s crazy how happy it makes me feel (maybe it’s the toxins talking). I think that obsession started when I received my first brand new Barbie doll. They have that same stench when you first pull them out of their package. Sniff, inhale, sniff. By the time the odor wears away, I’ve gotten my fill (so it’s not like I’m obsessed to the point that I SEEK plastic things to smell).

Q: Am I weird, or is this common?

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by Lucky Red Hen on June 5, 2008

I’ve been working out the bugs of the latest Webkinz fiasco’s for my beautiful offspring.

What I don’t get about the site is that it’s supposed to be designed for kids but I, as an intelligent and tech savvy adult, have a little trouble figuring some things out.

You gotta feed them
play with them
bathe them
read news articles
follow directions
play arcades game
do tournament games against other Webkinz players
buy furniture
buy food
decorate your room
buy extra rooms and yard
design your yard
open presents
use coupons
perform math on the fly
remember what your particular pet’s favorites are
exercise your pet
feed them healthy foods as well as fun snacks
keep them happy
medicate them when they’re under-the-weather
take them to the doctor
answer quizzes for extra points
buy chotchkeys and rare items to appease your pet
pick paint colors for your bedroom walls
decide which bed to buy
monitor your spending
build your bank
and more.

As I’ve been wandering around the site, I have to admit that I’ve been lured into the abyss of Webkinz land. I’ve been known to almost pass on nightly family prayer because I was in the middle of a game (last night). But if I were going to be truly honest I would admit that the only reason I didn’t pass was because I happened to die at the very moment I was given a second call to prayer. Bad mommy.

What’s worse… is when Jack came to invite me to said family prayer and saw that I couldn’t pull myself away, he said, “Geez mom. Get your OWN Webkinz!”

Pitiful, isn’t it?

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by Lucky Red Hen on June 4, 2008

I know, I know.

Guess blogland is beginning to wonder what’s going on with me. The funny thing about that is that ‘most’ of you who read this blog have just emailed or called me to find out (I can’t imagine there are people who read this that DON’T know me).

Long stories short…

  • Back’s been out
  • Thigh’s been out (who knew? I certainly didn’t, but do now!)
  • Neck’s been out
  • Hair is falling out
  • Getting done with editing the school newsletter for the year (I’ll do something else next year)
  • My birthday (last week, hooray, except I’m a year off from what I thought I was)
  • My birthday game night (all I wanted was a few friends, appetizers for dinner and Mexican Trains dominoes)
  • Piper’s bday (yesterday with her Princess Party festivities this Saturday)
  • Grandma Jo’s out of her coma and into a looooong stint at rehab
  • Harley battery gave up the ghost (whatever that means; but I installed a new one)
  • Pulled over by police (not for a traffic violation, either)
  • Body temperature isn’t regulating itself much anymore (I’m freezing, never been before)
  • Car is falling apart (windshield needs replacing, somethings funky with the battery, fender)
  • 2nd shooting with my buddy
  • Winding down the school year for both kids (teacher conferences, tests, studying)
  • Clients need their work done before I fart around on the blog
  • My daughter needs attention, more than I give her already
  • House still needs arranging (going from 3100 sf to 1700 has been tricky for organizing)
  • Figured out how to pull the D/W out so I could see behind it (AFTER the shooting water fiasco)
  • Found the point-n-shoot digital camera memory card that’s about 1cm x 2cm small
  • Controlling the constant sibling rivalry (which really means “fights,” and end-of-the-world catastrophies of an almost 5yr old
  • Figure out Webkinz world (if a 30+ year old is having trouble, how’s a 5yr old supposed to understand how to make it work)

Anywho, I’ll be back with fun stories, pictures and questions for you to answer…

Q: High heels are sooo pretty, but why can’t they be comfortable too?

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Grandma Jo and Grandpa Gary

by Lucky Red Hen on April 29, 2008

Lately I’ve been a bit distracted (sorry to those who are waiting on me). Grandma Jo (she’s my bio-dad’s wife, my stepmom and Grandma to my kids) is in a coma. Her surgeries went well, so we’re just playing the waiting game for her to come out of the coma (they took her off the breathing machine recently, she’s breathing on her own). If you’re the praying type, please include her in your prayers for a healthy recovery.

Jo is a lovely lady (even if she weren’t related). Her kindness radiates and you can’t help but feel good around her. She and my bio-dad came into my life when I was 25, and I feel richer because of that. Not that I felt I was missing something, but the addition has been fun. They taught me how to play my favorite game, Mexican Trains (dominoes), and I’m extremely grateful for that ;)

She’s active at her church in Candy Kitchen, NM, line dances on a regular basis, is an avid walker and great entertainer. Not like Cedric The Entertainer, but like having people over and socializing. My paternal grandmother lives in San Diego, CA alone, but Jo and Gary make a point to get over to see her on a regular basis without making her feel incompetent. Jo remembers our birthdays, anniversaries and holidays like clockwork (that’s not my strong suit, so I admire that quality in others). She’s enjoyable to be around, talk to and call a friend.

That’s the snippet on Grandma Jo, but there’s more that involves Grandpa Gary…
Long story short, this is my bio-dad, Gary (I call him “dad,” but some get confused because I call my dad that raised me “Daddy” instead of stepdad). He wasn’t around from when I was 2 until I was 25, but it’s kinda creepy how much alike we are. His sense of humor is similar to mine, we are both dang smart (teehee) and he’s sooo non-drama. So much non-drama that he didn’t bother to tell me about Jo’s recent condition right away (a couple weeks) or how his gall bladder had to be removed in an emergency surgery during all the hooplah. I can see a little why he didn’t want to bother us with the bad news, hoping she’d pull out of it and he could call with good news, but next time (if you’re reading this) I’d sure like to know much sooner than later ;)

Here we are at Sundance a few years ago when they came to visit. We all had a blast (and we played more Mexican Trains than you could imagine, and I could’ve played more).
Piper liked getting cozy with Grandma Jo while watching a movie. I absolutely love Jo’s smiles :)
Piper likes to do this weird face when I have the camera pointing at her. But I loved this one of Jo and couldn’t pass up the chance to show her off.

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by Lucky Red Hen on April 25, 2008

This might come as a shock to my mother (she thinks she knows everything about me), but I don’t pay attention to how much I pay at the gas pump. Here’s my thought… if I pay attention, I’ll know how much I’m getting raked over the coals. I claim ignorance and, they say, ignorance is bliss. Blissful indeed until I figured it out today.

At Costco in Woodinville today (the sheriff was in line and I selectively chose a lane far away… you know, just in case), the lanes for the driver side pumps were a mile long (it felt like it was, but we all know Costco’s parking lot isn’t THAT big) so I bellied up to a passenger side pump that had a max of three cars waiting (I also say “belly up to the bar” and I don’t even drink alcohol, or serve alcohol, for that matter, but I still say it and I won’t stop, in case you’re wondering), figuring that I can pull the line across the back to the driver side where my tank is.

As a side note to this little story: the picture of the gas pump on your dash does NOT necessarily tell you which side your tank is on, contrary to this little legend (but wouldn’t that make sense and why DON’T the auto manufacturers make it so, sheesh, I’m tired of cranking my head out the window to see which side mine is on — no, I don’t have a good enough memory to just know without looking sometimes).

As ANOTHER side note, this story isn’t about which side of the car my tank is on.

Back to the original point of this post.

I paid $3.53 at Costco and drove by a Chevron a couple miles away that listed the same grade of gas for $3.75… that’s 22 cents a GALLON! At that rate for 20 gallons I saved $4.40 today and spent it on a Kid’s Meal Crisp Chicken Burrito Meal at Taco Time to celebrate (psst, I didn’t have a kid with me)!

As another side note… the new BBQ Chipotle Chicken Burrito at TT is tasty but waaaayy too messy for any normal person to put up with.

{EDIT… yeah, it’s $3.53 and $3.75, respectively, and I’ve made the change; see, I don’t pay attention to gas prices! LOL}

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It's About Time

by Lucky Red Hen on April 24, 2008

Grey’s … is … baaaaack (phew).

We’re having a new family (moved from AZ in Jan) over for dinner. They have two kids our kids’ ages, she laughs at all my jokes and her hubby is computer savvy so it’s a match made in heaven, right? :)

However, they just found out their oldest might have an allergy to food issue (no gluten, dairy and somethingorother; he can eat meat and veggies). It’s a new discovery, so they’re in the beginning phase of cutting everything out so they can narrow it down.

She will bring his own dinner so I don’t have to worry about his restrictions, but I sure would like to figure out a way that I can accomodate him while still making fabulous eats. Without a planned menu, I’m open to suggestions that will get the ideas flowing. Maybe I’ll just swing by Costco (I need gas anyway) and the dinner will plan itself (that place has a funny way of doing that).

Hey, did you hear about the latest rice and oil rationing going on at Costco and other grocery stores? Yikes!

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Reaction Time

by Lucky Red Hen on April 22, 2008

How fast are you?

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Twilight Movie

by Lucky Red Hen on April 21, 2008

Some clips, if you’re interested, in the making of Twilight, the movie. I’m looking forward to the film (expected in theaters Dec. 12) and hope I enjoy it as much as I have the book series.

If you have NO IDEA (as this writer didn’t) what I’m talking about, click here to see inside the first (Twilight), second (New Moon) and third (Eclipse) books by Stephenie Meyer.

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