Nine is the New Midnight

by Lucky Red Hen on October 24, 2010

Remember the days when midnight felt like 9pm? Well, these days 9pm feels like midnight. I don’t know what it is about aging, but I’m worn OUT. Next you’ll see me in orthopedic shoes (hope not). Night, all. I want to blog daily, but this sleep is coming on heavy.


Jessica Hanaumi October 25, 2010 at 1:29 pm

This blog is yummy. I want more.

Heather October 25, 2010 at 1:42 pm

Nine is my favorite number: I mean just look at it: 9. So elegant, balancing on one leg, big heavy head up there in that circle part, nice curves to it. Yep, 9 is my fave. I should also make it my bed time. I will work on that one.

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