Really Sick or Kinda?

by Lucky Red Hen on January 24, 2008

Ben came home from the movies the other night sicker than a dog. He was sweating, pale, and said his stomach was churning. Said it started up about 1/2 way through the film. When he left for the movie, he was just fine.

I got worried that we’d both be horizontal for a while, until hearing about this on the TV the next morning.

Apparently, people are getting quite motion sick during the latest scary movie, Cloverfield. I guess it’s similar to The Blair Witch Project that involves the characters in the movie hand-holding the video camera, making the scenes very unstable. Your brain might get vertigo if it can’t separate the movie from your stationary surroundings. I’m sure it didn’t help that the premise of these movies is scary, bloody, and horrific (I am not a fan of scary movies; they’re scary).

I had to leave I Am Sam in the first 30 minutes from the wiggly, jiggly perspective. Barf. I get motion sick even THINKING about it :o)


Azúcar January 25, 2008 at 1:45 pm

I had no problem with Cloverfield–other than my husband getting annoyed and cussing under his breath at the shakies. I used to get motion sickness in the worst way, but have outgrown it. Some theaters are posting notices about how wobbly the movie is so that patrons are aware.I really liked the movie :)

Lyle January 25, 2008 at 5:07 pm

can’t say that I can relate, cause I’ve never seen any of those movies. However, that little map game is gonna cause some trouble…it’s too distracting [time wise].

Becky January 26, 2008 at 8:33 pm

We went to the movies tonight, and there was actually a disclaimer on the ticket window alerting people that Cloverfield has made people sick. I’ll pass. I got sick watching “The Bourne Identity.” The same shaky camera thing. Of course, I get sick on the carousel and the Ferris Wheel, so I’m not a good judge…

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