"Excuse me, where's the toilet paper?"

by Lucky Red Hen on September 2, 2006

There’s something about me.

Something that makes people think I wear one of those blue vests that reads “How may I help you?”

Today it happened twice while shopping/browsing/people-watching at Swiss Days in Midway, Utah. Cathy is my witness.

Actually, now that I’m recalling the instances, I think it was 3 times.

Anyway, this happens everywhere I go; Walmart, Target, the grocery store, boutiques, etc.

Them: “Excuse me, where’s the toilet paper?”
Me: Well, I don’t work here but it’s 1/2 way down on aisle 3.

Them: “What size is this bracelet?”
Me: This isn’t my booth, but it looks like it’s for a 3-5 year old.

Them: “Do you have anymore of these?”
Me: No, I don’t.

Them: “How much is this?”
Me: $13.95 or 2 for $25.

Them: “What’s this for?”
Me: It cleans out ear wax.

Them: “Do you have these in my size?”
Me: No because your size shouldn’t wear things like this.


Julie September 3, 2006 at 2:07 pm

Um…do you know the answer to all the mysteries of the universe?

Azúcar September 3, 2006 at 8:37 pm

You just LOOK like you know what you’re doing. The other day I turned to ask a lady in Target about some clearance items only to correct myself immediately. She was wearing a bright red shirt with khakis to Target, what does she expect?

~j. September 4, 2006 at 4:56 pm

Maybe she works at Staples, and was at Target on her lunch break, and doesn’t really know where the shoelaces are. Not that that ever happened to me when I worked at Staples. (But I did help people when I knew where things were — it was pretty funny when they read my shirt and realized that I didn’t work there, only probably just spent too much time there.)

BowlerGirl September 5, 2006 at 9:29 am

Haha! I totally feel your pain. Everytime that I go to a craft store, grocery store or where ever I’m suddenly accosted by inquiring minds that need to know. It’s just so weird sometimes!

Bek September 5, 2006 at 11:39 am

I hate it when I do that because I feel so stupid!! No that it happens that much anyway.I HATE Swiss Days. I LOATHE it. It comes from years of having traffic blocked and from having to work at the Homestead, blah, blah, blah. I haven’t been in years, but it is still just a bunch of crafty crafty toll painted stuff? :-) If you didn’t grow up there I am sure it is great. Did you have a Swiss Navajo Taco?

cazmom September 19, 2006 at 9:29 am

I make a point of taking my Costco employee badge off when I go over to the warehouse specifically because I can’t answer any questions anyway if I’m spotted and asked. “Where did the potting soil get moved to?” me: “we carry potting soil?” “Where are the rotisserie chickens?” me: “back there by the meat I think”

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