Soul 2 Soul II – Tim & Faith concert Friday

by Lucky Red Hen on August 6, 2006

My best friend, Lisa, and our friend, Karen, flew down from Seattle so we could go to the Tim & Faith concert together and it was a blast! I love them both but I’m not stalker-like with all their songs memorized. AND… we didn’t go out and buy a dorky cowgirl hats to wear for the night. Now, I’d wear my regular cowgirl hat that I’ve worn before but not INDOORS – dorks – and would only wear it if I need to keep out the sun. Like, I’ll be wearing it at Swiss Days, most likely, because it’s dang sunny Labor Day weekend out in Midway, Utah. And when I wear sunglasses I can’t see the real colors of all the art there. Plus, I don’t like looking people in the sunglasses. Anyway, that’s my soapbox on cowboy hat wearing.

Oh, and I’m a crier. I cry. At the concert I cried when Faith winked at a 10 year old girl; the little girl’s face lit up, she glanced back at her mom in disbelief then turned back to Faith who confirmed the wink with a sweet little flitter-wave. I’m a wuss. I cry. I care. I’ll beat you up if you make fun of me too – so don’t try it.

So, we all had fun hanging and giggling; eating ice cream, watching silly movies (Bride & Prejudice — we don’t recommend it), So You Think You Can Dance show, taking the girls for rides on the Harley, pedicures, shopping and all the silly things girls do together.

Oh, and I finished my motorcycle training class with flying colors (whatever flying colors means) on Sunday then passed my test on Tuesday (Monday’s are the busiest at the DMV and I couldn’t wait until Wednesday when it’s the lightest traffic). I have a paper license until the permanent one is mailed to me within 3 weeks. I’ll post it so you can see my picture. Honestly, you’ll want to come back and take a look. Seriously.



Azúcar August 6, 2006 at 10:48 pm

Glad you had fun, heard that there was a major DUI issue after the concert, so glad you made it home.

tiff-fay-fay August 7, 2006 at 9:23 am

I agree that Bride & Prejudice was a disaster. I so wanted it to be good though so that was sad.

Julie August 7, 2006 at 9:37 am

So is the license picture secksy?

Lianne August 7, 2006 at 9:41 am

I am so jealous! I hope you had a great time. We saw their busses leave SLC and head out on the road.

LuckyRedHen August 7, 2006 at 12:16 pm

Azucar…there were several wrecks after the concert – we weren’t one of them :o)Julie…I should’ve made the license picture secksy! But I did something else instead (that I think everyone should do).Lianne…yes, we had an awesome time, thanks!

c jane August 8, 2006 at 4:14 pm

Faith looks like a mermaid in the second picture.

~j. August 8, 2006 at 4:18 pm

I’m so glad you had fun. I’m more glad you don’t wear your cowgirl hat indoors.

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