I propose that everyone owning a viral shirt wears it for their next driver license picture. Then everyone will know you are an official member of the viral club. Hear, hear.
I wish on the “weight” portion we could put “fluctuates.”
After 29, I wish women’s licenses could read “old enough to know better.”
Under “hair”, I wish it could read BLONDE instead of BLD because that looks like blood or bald.
For “height”, I wish they could list in inches instead of feet; I’d be 69“.
Like our license plates, I wish we had a choice of background picture; I’d have the SLC temple.
I’m not sure what CLASS means but I wish I weren’t rated a “D”; how about A or B?
I wish everyone else in blogland would post their driver license picture.

I’m so impressed! I’m not sure I want to post mine. I have a couple of years before I have to get a new photo. Who knows if I’ll remember to wear the virus shirt?First thought, upon seeing your license, was, “Hey! We’re the same age!” Of course, that’s assuming you didn’t change the birth date. I was born in April of that year. We’re, like, almost twins, eh?
You know now, don’t you, that you are the first person in the history of the universe to take and own a great looking driver’s license photo?
I am going to post mine as soon as I get into work and figure out how to scan it. Only because it gives me FREAKING GREAT BLOG FODDER!Thanks,, LRH!
You mean the one where I’m 8 months pregnant? Yea, no.
Did you look where they told you to look? When I do that it gives me a lazy eye on my photo.
what is your e-mail address? do you know mine? will you e-mail me yours?
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