My cute friend at Entirely Eventful thought it’d be nifty to share the same artwork with other blogging friends to see what craftiness we’d come up with and share it with you! Lucky you, right?
Who doesn’t like getting personally written love in their postal box? NOBODY, that’s who.
Designed in Illustrator (I’m still practicing) into 4 x 6 sized post cards, these little guys want to rush through the post office system from your heart to another’s.
Want one? Leave a comment at the end of this post and I’ll pick someone to receive a love note from ME :) Yay!
(You guys, I hope SOMEONE wants one and comments. At least ONE person, huh?)
Want to make your own? Download the following PDF file and print to your hearts desire! It’s all ready to be sent to your favorite printer so they can lovingly (I hope they’re gentle) apply the design to a 28 x 22 white poster board as many times as you want. Then you’ll cut, round the corners if you want, add some love notes, address it, stamp it with a postcard stamp (as of today it’s just 33 cents), and stick it in the mailbox. Easy peasy, lemon squeazy!
And more craftiness of this same design by other blogger friendlies…
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