by Lucky Red Hen on April 14, 2011

EVERYBODY in love should get photos taken, anytime, but especially if they’re getting married. It’s SO FUN to look back on those pictures when you’re older and “remember when.” Haha, that just made me recall the photos we had taken before we got married. I need to scan them in and share them with you… sometime.

This is one of my buddy’s I worked with at the tree farm and his fiance. He got my jokes, knew the movie lines I quoted, and ALWAYS had a smile.

When he told me about his lady love, I saw the sparkle in his eye that fella’s have when they’re smitten. Boy, is HE smitten!

Because of his smitteness, I insisted on photographing the two of them; if not for their engagement photos, then just for fun.

Look at the fun we had! Smiling and laughing and jumping on backs and crouching…

It was chilly, but you can’t tell by these grins and cuddles.

Thanks guys for letting me photograph you :)

…and my favorite last shot. Happy wedding bliss!!!
by Lucky Red Hen on July 10, 2009
I have to run out the door (date with my hubby… he just pulled up with the babysitter), but wanted to get Elayna and Tim’s engagement pics posted :) They only needed a couple portraits at their wedding reception, so that post will be sparse… but here are plenty of these!
We’re off to Home Depot, Costco (might have dinner there – LOL) and to see Public Enemy!

by Lucky Red Hen on May 26, 2009
by Lucky Red Hen on October 27, 2007
by Lucky Red Hen on May 7, 2007
by Lucky Red Hen on April 6, 2007
This couple is SO darling – Alyson’s absolutely gorgeous and SUPER nice and Ryan is a hunka hunka sweetness. They oozed loveliness. I had SO much fun shooting them in Vegas with
Chris + Lynn, and a few other forum friends, that I’d shoot them any day of the week! We were outside Bally’s at 8pm in low-light conditions with only a hand-held mini light. I think I’m getting a handle on these tricky lighting situations!
1. I love this B/W version… sultry.

2. This wall with the yellow curb line… fun!
3. Love these moments.
4. LOVE the lines in this one!
5. Love the COLOR in this one – and their SMILES!
6. I think I’m enlarging this one for my wall. LOVE the light playing off the shadows.
7. Moments. “How does it make you FEEL?” the great Joe Buissink says. Plus I am a sucker for the mans hand on a womans neck and cheek like that. Yummy!

8. This silver/red conversion is tasty. LOVE her look in this one!
9. Yet another moment. LOVE these shots!
10. My other favorite. LOVE the lines, colors and how she POPS there at the bottom.
Q: Have any comments? I’d love to hear what you think!
by Lucky Red Hen on April 2, 2007
Alright. I am BACK. Missed me? I missed you.
First thing’s first. The ROCKIN’ OneLight Workshop with Zack Arias, some old friends and some new ones. Zack coined the phrase “Tiger Flash” for those who are scared of it (like a tiger is attached to it). With the get-together the night before (thanks, Jeremy, for the asparagus and Kate for the salmon) then the next day until almost 2am, about 10 of us soaked in all Zack’s lighting goodness. Here’s a few images that I’ve finally edited…

As a side-note: I’m not a fan of Ford vehicles in general (the T150 trucks are a’ight) but I AM a fan of old stuff… in case you were wondering where the Ford picture came from.
***After the OneLight Workshop I rode to Las Vegas for the Wedding and Portrait Photographers International conference. I am THRILLED with the images I got from a shoot last Monday and will get them edited today (hopefully). Took some other fun picks from the trip so check back often!
by Lucky Red Hen on February 21, 2007
This couple was really sweet and willing to do anything (well, almost) for our cameras. They got soaked from the get-go and were real troopers through it all. We had the fabulous John Michael Cooper leading this shoot and learned a lot from him (don’t touch the sand was a big lesson). He wasn’t as nervous about his gear getting wet as I was (mine was only a few days old; had it covered with a plastic bag and stuck an umbrella into my jacket, trying to keep it balanced against my head and not poke into the other photogs all around) nor did he mind rolling around on the wet sand.
1 I love how the water is suspended and the bridge & boat are in the distance.

2 Who doesn’t love a good swing

3 or a little dip

4 Would you roll around in the wet sand – if I looked like THIS I would

5 their shoes staying dry and waiting beneath the pier

6 This was one of the first shots… the jacket didn’t last long

7 a little Pride & Prejudice coloring for ya

8 This was before it got really rainy