by Lucky Red Hen on December 15, 2009
Gosh, this post got buried from LAST summer :-o Dangit. It’s funny to see because everybody looks older now. But there’s a reindeer in one picture, so it’s fitting to post it so close to Christmas! This is also the place I’ve been working the past few weekends (starting Black Friday) selling Christmas trees! Ho ho ho! But now I’m done, the tree season is winding down. I was mostly cashiering, but once in a while ended up outside directing shoppers to their perfect tree (or the Honey Bucket, “Back of the parking lot, folks,” whatever might be needed at the moment). EDIT: Added their TV footage from QFOX NEWS on the Christmas Tree Farm at the bottom.
My bro-in-law, Jake, welded this reindeer critter.

This next pic is Drea recently, for her yearbook picture (it had to be straight forward with neutral background)…

These two are recently engaged to be MARRIED!!!

Pablo’s smile makes his eyes disappear, and I wouldn’t have it any other way!

Jana looks GREAT here, but she looks even BETTER these days!

David’s away serving a church mission.

I love this pic of them in the tree field.

by Lucky Red Hen on December 8, 2008

(you may click on the picture to view a larger version)
May I just say that I miss my Utah friends more than I realized I would? (“Yes, yes you can since this is your blog,” you say.)
When we moved there 6.5 years ago, we told ourselves that we wouldn’t get attached because we’d be moving back to the NW within two years (never wanted to move there in the first place, but that’s another story).
Well, 2 years turned into five (but I’ve heard similar stories from people who’ve been there 14 years and counting) and I think the extra three years were the nitty-gritty years that solidified my soul to Utah.
Eee ghads, did I just admit that there’s a place in my soul dedicated to Utah (“Yes, yes you did,” you say)?
Yes, yes I did.
There… it’s out in cyberspace for all to witness. Yikes.
Anywho, the family featured in today’s post is absolutely one of the reasons my mind was changed about Utah. My kids are best buds with her kids, and I adore them all (which is surprising for me because I’m famous for not liking kids — they’re just so hard to be around).
(Holding up a glass of bubbling water…) here’s to my Utah friends. I adore you all.
by Lucky Red Hen on November 14, 2008
by Lucky Red Hen on October 22, 2007
by Lucky Red Hen on October 14, 2007
by Lucky Red Hen on May 7, 2007
by Lucky Red Hen on December 10, 2006

This is my
cute friend and her 2 girls. We had fun roaming one of the buildings on BYU campus then eating some snow. Well, the
kids ate the snow… we watched. This was Liney’s first memorable snow (1st she was a baby) and we couldn’t keep her from sticking it in her mouth. Funny girl. I promised my friend there would be at least 2 good ones – but, luckily, there were more (in my not-so-humble opinion). Some of my favorites…

by Lucky Red Hen on November 19, 2006