My little girl has been asking us questions about our favorites and writing them in her little notepad like a reporter (she even comments on each answer, encouraging us and acting interested). She lost interest with me and moved on to someone else when it took me minutes to think of my answers because I don’t usually have just one. I like options.
Favorite animal? Well, in the zoo it’s a giraffe, but at home I dig dog’s, and although I don’t want the mess of their droppings and seed scattering I yearn to hear the “cheepa cherpa” of society finches.
Yes, I yearn but, if there is such a thing, Ben anti-yearns for them and that’s why we don’t have any. <sigh>
What if I were on a game show and had to answer fast about myself? What if YOU had to? Could you answer quickly or are you more like me and would have to think about each one first?
Play with me. Let’s figure these out BEFORE we’re on a game show. I’ll tell you mine then you tell me yours (add your link in the comments; or if you’re too private, email me yours instead). If you don’t want to play, don’t read the rest of this post. Also, no judging.
- COLD BEV: fresh-made lemonade (Newman’s Own, Chick Fil-A, Ooba’s)
- HOT BEV: hot cocoa with Pero and half-n-half (or heavy cream, like a mocha breve)
- SUMMER: meh (prefer spring), hammock, too hot, t-shirt, casual skirt, barefoot
- WINTER: bundling up cozy, watching snow fall, hoodies, jeans, staying home to snuggle
- BREAKFAST: cereal or green smoothie, but out I like hash browns (because I can’t make them at home), French Texas Toast, scrambled eggs sprinkled with hot sauce
- ACTOR: Heath Ledger (I refuse to watch the Batman movie he’s in because I don’t want The Joker as my last image of him); Robert Downey, Jr. (I’ve loved him from the beginning, not just because of Iron Man and Sherlock Holmes); Matthew McConaughey (would he PLEASE voice the male version of Siri?!?), Oliver Platt, Sam Elliott, Jeffrey Dean Morgan (those DIMPLES)
- ACTRESS: Sandra Bullock (I enjoyed her sister’s book, Confections of a Closet Master Baker), Frances McDormand (Fargo, anyone?), Charlize Theron (I love her versatility)
- CHILLIN’: crafts (jewelry, fabric), Sudoku, magazine, sit on the porch
- FUN: playing games with others, hanging with friendly people, craft fairs, in-home parties (like Tupperware), riding my Harley, experiencing new things (but I won’t bungee jump or sky dive, I’m afraid I’d die or mess my pants)
- FOOD: thin-crust pizza (no green peppers or pineapple), Alfredo (or just melted cream cheese like at The Pizza Factory with their bread twists), thick-cut fries (especially with the new ketchup packets you can dip into), Pugliese bread with stuff on it (artichoke dip, crab dip, Trader Joe’s bruschetta, pesto, whatev), grilled salmon, Thai
- DAY: Saturday, it’s usually open to do something fun with the kids or work on projects
- TIME TRAVEL: mid-evil times with knight’s or Pride & Prejudice era (as long as I live comfortably and I don’t get beheaded or a deadly infection)
- MOVIES: romantic comedy’s (Return to Me), dance movies (started with 1984’s Breakin’, classic), period pieces (Pride & Prejudice with Colin Firth, although I like the 2-hr version for a quickie), definitely NO horror
- TV: FRIENDS and Firefly (Nathan Fillion) fan; we Hulu+ Castle, WHITES, New Girl, Grimm (it’s cheesy fun)
- CAMPING: I love not camping. Motel 6 is as camping as I want to get, and that’s pushing it… have you been barefoot on their floor?!? <shiver>
- ASSET: firm handshake, hug like I mean it, honest, tie cherry stems in my mouth to get free drinks
- FLOWER: peony, tulip, ranunculus, but not into cut flowers (they’re so expensive for as short as they last, I’d rather have a smile or the cash)
- GAMES: Mexican Trains (dominoes), Things, Pictionary, squirt gun into the clown mouth at the carnival
- TALENTS: wire wrap jewelry like a pro, being non-fashionable, self-with-friend cell phone portraits, organizing, trouble-shooting, secret keeper, eagle-eye target shooter
- TREATS: non-frosted brownies (corners), Chewy Spree, raw almonds, celery, Tillamook cheese with crackers, Tillamook Chocolate Peanut Butter ice cream, basil-infused homemade hummus, fresh fruit shake (huckleberry or peach), Rice Krispie treats, naked popcorn or way-buttered popcorn (depends on my mood), my husband’s peanut butter cookies
Alright, if you got this far it means you want to play 20 QUESTIONS with me, so copy/paste and plug in your answers then send me a link. I’m excited to get to know more about YOU!
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