by Lucky Red Hen on October 23, 2012

Haha! I forgot to get the name of this cutie before posting it so she’ll from this day forth be known as “girl.” [edit: her name is Erika!]
Technically this isn’t a “head shot” (if it were a true head shot by me I would have repositioned myself to avoid the sun spots; as I remember, I did have her move around underneath a bushy tree to get the least amount of sun on her).
But I love her adorable smile, fancy specs, and how cute she was all dolled up for Derek & Tasha‘s wedding with her dainty blue accessories so you’re seeing it in my selection anyway. Their day was so pretty and everyone at the wedding so delightful that I have more from that day to show you coming up!
by Lucky Red Hen on October 22, 2012

Remember in the #3 Head Shot of Emily when I mentioned having lunch with Hildie (of the blog Beehive and Birdsnest) at an Austin food truck? Well, this is she.
She wasn’t intending on having her photo taken that day, but I had my camera with me and took a few snaps in the gorgeous Texas light to commemorate our first encounter (we’ve seen each other a couple times since then). Both ladies liked the on-the-fly photo session pics enough to use theirs in their profile.
Sometimes ya never know when you’ll end up having your next profile picture taken!
by Lucky Red Hen on October 21, 2012

I am a reeeally lucky girl (fitting that’s my nickname, eh?) This is model Anna Paola in Mexico at the Jose Villa Workshop. Sometimes it is hard for me to accept compliments about my photos from Mexico, because it really felt like the photos took themselves. The entire experience was kind of other worldly esque. Huh. Reading that makes me sound crazy. I am a little, I suppose.

Remember my first 31 Days of Head Shots post? This image of Anna Paola sitting in the window seat of a 400+ year old Mexican hacienda is one of my other all-time favorites.
I am proud to say that I envisioned this pose and composition then was able to convey my wishes to my non-English-speaking model in gestures, motions, and mimicking. Trust me, she’s definitely a professional model if she could translate my irksome mimicking and lack of Spanish explaining into the beauty you see above. Even Jose pointed out how proud he was of me for being able to create the shot all on my own (instead of just shooting someone else’s set-up).
I love that Jose Villa.
by Lucky Red Hen on October 21, 2012

Gladys is a professional model that I photographed while in Mexico at the Jose Villa Workshop. It was an incredibly life-altering experience, especially since I have some amazing photographs (not to be all tooting-my-own-horn, but it’s as if you can’t take a bad picture in that beautiful place with beautiful light and beautiful people amongst beautiful backgrounds.
(Click on the sidebar that says “Photos from Mexico” to see and read more about my trip. I suppose I could link to it, but that’d be boring, right?)
by Lucky Red Hen on October 21, 2012

As I alluded to in my previous post, there is something special about the face of the experienced.
Gosh, this photo was taken about six years ago at a summer wedding in Utah. She’s the neighbor friend of the mother-of-the-bride and didn’t expect her picture to be taken. But when I walked into the kitchen and saw her face I refused to leave without her throwing a smile at the camera.
How darling is this lady? SUPER darling!
by Lucky Red Hen on October 21, 2012

Man-oh-man, do I love the face of an experienced man! Man, can I say that one more time? But I’m serious. Older-than-me folks are probably my FAVORITE subjects to photograph. They have so much story in their face. (That kind of sounds weird, so I hope you understood what I meant.)
This cute fella wasn’t super thrilled with the camera in his face (it wasn’t really IN it, of course), but *I* certainly am thrilled with what I caught (and pleased that he approves of me posting his photo; so I guess he wasn’t THAT bugged by me).
He’s the father (and father-in-law, and grandpa, and great grandpa) of my really good friends, and this is what his son had to share about his dad:
Darrell A. Gremmert was born in Delmont, South Dakota on a cold March day in 1932. His family lived in the town where his father worked for the railroad. Like so many young boys in the Depression era, Darrell led a life of joy in the outdoors: fishing, hunting pheasants, riding bicycles and attending the small school. Upon graduation from high school, he entered the United States Air Force and was trained to be an air traffic controller. He met and married his love, LaVern Jones, near his Mountain Home Air Force base in the Boise, Idaho vicinity in June of 1955. After his military service, Darrell continued his air traffic career with the US government and moved to the Seattle, Washington area where he held positions of responsibility and leadership in the Federal Aviation Administration. He and his wife of 57 years have five children, 19 grandchildren, and eight great grandchildren. Now 80, he still loves to hunt pheasants each fall in his native state with three generations of family. Darrell and LaVern live in Weiser, Idaho.

by Lucky Red Hen on October 17, 2012

Sometimes your subject feels comfortable in front of the camera. THOSE are the times that I feel like I’m cheating because it’s hardly any work to push the shutter button.
That’s the case with Michelle. Every shot… bam, bam, bam. Little effort, the time flew by, we got a ton of awesome shots, and I wasn’t sweating at the end like I have when I have photographed babies or toddlers (THOSE are not my favorite).
by Lucky Red Hen on October 16, 2012

Can you tell that Blake is a pretty happy guy, friendly, kind, likes to laugh, and is a hard worker? Well, he IS all those things. Sometimes you’re lucky to meet people who cause you to smile for just being them and that’s Blake.
Photo taken in the chilly (and vacant section so we wouldn’t get run over or get in the way of anyone) Bellevue Square parking garage with gorgeous natural light