Everyone say HI to Nick. Nick is a special guy, I hope you can see that through this image. His dad sent me a bio on Nick so you could get to know him a little.
Nicholas James Gremmert. The name sounded like a lawyer or doctor’s name to his parents, Arden and Eva Gremmert. It was chosen well before his birth on a hot, sunny August 19, 1979 in Burien, Washington. Nick’s life took a different path, however, and took his whole family on an odyssey that continues to this very day.
His mom knew the moment she saw her quiet little baby boy after her 30-hour labor. His eyes were vacant and did not look like his older brother’s, born only 14 months before. What it was about him, she did not know, but there was a major difference. The hospital staff and doctors sought to reassure her that all babies are a bit different and unique, but she knew in her heart Nick was not “right”.
After 11 long months of doctor visits, struggles, and slow progress, mom and dad took him to a young neurologist already making a name for himself in professional circles. His diagnosis after testing: static encephalopathy, cerebral palsy, and a seizure disorder. The news was compassionately delivered, but tough for his parents to fathom.
Now, 33 years later, with perspective only experience can bring, the truth of Nick’s path of life is much better known: “He may never walk or talk” gave way to non-stop talking while walking everywhere. “He’ll need therapy” is a vast understatement. “He probably won’t read or write” fell by the wayside at Cedarcrest High School from which he graduated and walked first at graduation by insistence of his classmates. He sings songs from memory, hundreds of them, and constantly amazes his extensive social network of family, friends, and acquaintances with his witty, timely statements.
His love of airplanes and travel is legendary to those who know him. He will sit and watch airport takeoffs and landings by the hour during his many domestic and international trips with his family. He’s been traveling to Ireland, Northern Ireland, England and across the USA since he was a tender seven years old and has a love like no other for the all the places, people, food, and things he enjoys without reserve. His passport stamp record tells the tale.
Game shows and “Curious George” top his TV menu, while his favorite movies (watched regularly) are “Top Gun”, “Shall We Dance”, and “Forrest Gump”. Music CDs and radio are constantly in demand with Nick: everything from hymns to classic rock, country, western, and traditional Irish to top 40. Quite eclectic in every sense of the word.
His religious belief in Jesus Christ is strong, and Nick’s testimony of His gospel is deep. There is no more dedicated follower of the Lord’s way than Nick.
He lives with his parents out a dead end Tolt River road near Carnation, Washington, deep in the woods and happy in a family that loves and cares for him constantly. He blesses their lives more than they can possibly bless his.