As I mentioned in my previous post about taking kids to Las Vegas, you must not miss the El Dorado Canyon Tours at the historic Techatticup Gold Mine that’s 45 minutes outside of Vegas if you dig that sort of thing.
You must call ahead to reserve a spot for the one-hour tour: 4 person minimum (can be combined with other groups/people), adults $12.50, kids <12 $7.50, open seven days a week.
Billy, our tour guide, is well-informed on the folklore and history of the mine and surrounding areas (and his mustache is for reals, not a fad). He also runs the river tours on kayaks and the desert tours on horseback.
Kurt Russell acted in two movies there; Breakdown and 3000 Miles to Graceland. Both films left parts of the set (like a half-crashed plane) on site for photo ops! As a side note: use the restroom inside the main building for several laughs (and see if you catch the typo).

Part of the drive out to the mine is looong and flaaat, like this photo shows. The dust storm that happened by while we were on our way was the only thing to look at. Well, other than the guy walking his pack burro on the side of the road; but I don’t have a picture of him.

Part of the building (why I didn’t get a whole photo is beyond me) where you check-in for your tour, buy souvenirs, or pay for a photography permit.

The tour starts outside the front door of the main building. Billy’s showing the kids something fascinating.

Our tour group was small enough that we all could hear Billy at the same time, even though we had to walk single file through the narrow mine shafts. As a tip, the mine is cool enough that we could’ve used a light jacket in there (but you’re not in too long if you don’t have extra layers.)

If you happen upon a snake, you’re welcome to kill it and stick it in their 7-Up freezer. Or Billy will let you pose with one of the several that are already in there :)

How cool is this picture?!? It’s the current owner’s grandfather and he’s NOT posing for a professional photo shoot. This is a candid shot of him after he hunted the cougar with his bow and arrow. I wish the mine would make/sell post cards of this photo. It’s captivating!
You’ll find the answer/winner to the previous post in the comments section.
Vegas is crazy! I think in your last post I commented how many times I had been there and never knew about redrocks… or maybe that was a different post. I cannot remember. :) Anyway, I have been to Vegas numerous times and I have never heard about that cave- it sounds cool- literally. :)
Yes! I’m glad you mentioned Red Rocks because that gives us another activity to do next time. Thanks for coming back.
– Okay this is not the first time this has happened to me when viiwneg your pictures. Sometimes I swear I know the people, i’m like hey I know them ! Of course I really don’t. I think I finally just realized that’s it’s because you capture the true essence of people so well that it makes them seem so familiar. Does that make any sense?Can’t wait to see thier wedding flicks! Thanks for the comment! You rock!
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