Collecting Rocks at Golden Gardens Beach, 520 Bridge and NieNie Calendar Giveaway

by Lucky Red Hen on February 14, 2011

After getting my zombie post all typed up, photos added, and ABC checked (isn’t that cuter than “spell”?), I realized it was TOO HEAVY to post on such a light holiday, especially with the NieNie Dialogues Calendar giveaway. But the good news is that I already have a full post ready with photos and stories!

Saturday we braved the crummy Seattle weather to beach comb for the Conversation Love Rocks, um, rocks (I couldn’t just say Rocks rocks, could I?) Traffic was a BEAST (pouring rain, even though Seattle is used to it, isn’t fun to drive through, and being a passenger in it is stressful) and I-520, the floating bridge, was packed as cars slowed because of the gusts of wind that made the bridge sway and threw water onto the eastbound traffic.

The calm north end of the lake vs. the choppy south side never ceases to amaze me. Rarely is the scene on each side the same, smooth calm. When it is, you’ll see kayaks, paddle boards, row boats, and standing surf paddling.

Luckily the rain let up long enough for us to find the rocks the kids needed for their Valentine’s. The far end of the beach area had lots for us to choose from as well as barnacled stones to inspect, giant climbing boulders, and photo ops.

Our time spent at the beach was little, so we hope to go more often when the weather is more comfortable for hanging out on the sand and in the water. Hopefully that will be sooner than later.

How about this week we giveaway NieNie’s 2011 Wall Calendar?!? Yay! I ended up with an extra calendar, so I’ll pass along my goof ;) If you don’t already have a 2011 calendar or want another, leave a comment to this post telling me what your FAVORITE MONTH is! Mine is October, because I dig fall and Halloween. Here’s a photo of the actual calendar (and shipping envelope). This will be shipping from a Seattle, WA, USA area post office, so make sure I can ship it to you for under 5 bucks, ok? I don’t have advertisers or sponsors paying for shipping. This is coming from my sweet little home (and wallet) to yours :) Winner will be announced Thursday and with the this Saturday night as the deadline to claim the prize or another winner will be chosen (so come back, mkay?)


Kalli February 14, 2011 at 10:54 pm

Friend, listen, that picture of the barnacles was enough reason for me to almost unsubscribe from this here spot, but I won’t because hey, I Like You!

I had a bad barnacle experience when I was like 8, scarred me for life. I’ll tell you about it sometime.

Favorite month: toss up between July and November. July because man, I love summer and I love the 4th of July. November because let’s face it, a month sporting both my birthday AND a holiday revolving around food=perfection.

Lucky Red Hen February 15, 2011 at 4:31 am

Eek! I had NO IDEA that the “b” word could have such an effect ;) I’ll do my best to refrain from posting pictures of them in the future. Thanks for keeping me around :D

Tiffany February 15, 2011 at 4:38 am

I had no idea that the water on each side of the bridge could be so different! It’s really a cool shot. I would be terrified to drive on it like that! And the outing with your family seems like so much fun. :) My favorite month is probably June. I love the weather. It’s the perfect temperature…not too hot, not too cold. I kept wanting to buy NieNie’s calendar, but I just never did.

Also, I don’t think I have commented since you changed your layout. It looks really nice!

Lucky Red Hen February 15, 2011 at 4:41 am

Driving over the bridge when the water is smooth, like glass, is so serene. But it’s not like that very often, especially with all the boats that play in the lake. Thanks for the compliment :)

Mom February 15, 2011 at 7:53 pm

You love the beach very much and seem to be passing that along to the chillruns.

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