Here’s my first post from the California trip involving the couples who volunteered to have 80+ photographers in their face. It was sure tricky trying to get the right angle without stepping on someone else trying to get THEIR angle, but I think these turned out pretty good considering. This couple is HAUTE and KNEW how to work the camera – they were super sweet and followed direction like pro’s. This couple’s eSession was my favorite of the trip (there are 2 more couples to blog about and I’m giving you my favorite first – only the best for my readers)!
1 and one of my fav’s

I found your blog through Design Mom, and I can’t remember if I’ve ever commented before…These pictures are STUNNING. Absolutely STUNNING. My mouth is still hanging open. I love lurking around your blog. It’s so much fun.
Those are SO GREAT!!! You were already good, but you just keep getting better and better. Stunning! :-)
Lindsey, thanks for de-lurking and leaving a VERY NICE comment ;O) Awe shucks. Glad you enjoy!Bek, you’re so good to me! Can’t wait to see y’all soon!
1 and 17 are to die for… yeah now you have more stuff for your web-site. Seriously, they’re killer!
Gorgeous pictures, gorgeous people.#17 is just CRAZY sexy! Love it.
I think I need a cold shower.The sneaky sneaky one is wonderful!
2,5,16, and 18
Heay sis sorry I can not find my password for this stuff but still wanted to make comments.First nice work sis. I did not think you were this into photog. next what cam are you working with? now to the comments.#9 felt real in the moment.#15 was a darn cool pic. #18 nice panorama and the tree really catches the eye, like you were taking a pic of the tree and she happen to be there. In alot of the others it seems like they are 2 different models, not a couple. “He” emotional and in love. “Her” Thinking of another, looking for her “15 minutes”. Sorry for comments. Pics were great for what they gave though. I would like you to go to They have thousands of photagraphers with great samples, idea’s, advise, comments. Just a suggestion love you Sis. Burkyturkey.
my favourite – #7great job!Darrell
So if I get someone to love me, will you take pictures like this of us? Pretty, pretty please.
pretty pretty people! You’ve got a great eye. I could look at a hundred more shots! I’m so proud of you Shan! I wish he would have moved his hair a little to be able to see his eyes. I love the intimate ones, its like real modelling.
Shannon,These are all incredible! What a beautiful couple. You got some amazing shots, especially considering you were competing with 100 other photogs.
Dead sexy! I love them!
These are very very nice images, You sure rocked that shoot out great job!that first shot is magic!
Hey! This is Brittney from the shoot. I tried your site several times and it wasn’t working for me. I just randomly rechecked and ran into your blog. I would really love to get the pictures you took of us. John Michael Cooper is the only photographer to send us a disc so far but he didn’t have any of the shots we did afterward. Hope all is well. My e-mail address is If you e-mail me, I can give you our address. Hope all is well.
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