This couple was really sweet and willing to do anything (well, almost) for our cameras. They got soaked from the get-go and were real troopers through it all. We had the fabulous John Michael Cooper leading this shoot and learned a lot from him (don’t touch the sand was a big lesson). He wasn’t as nervous about his gear getting wet as I was (mine was only a few days old; had it covered with a plastic bag and stuck an umbrella into my jacket, trying to keep it balanced against my head and not poke into the other photogs all around) nor did he mind rolling around on the wet sand.

Yeah, you rock. I was on the beach with you and didn’t get these shots! The one of their shoes is very personal and speaks volumes, too. You are very good at thinking that way and I need to glean that from you. {smmmmoch} love ya, lucky!
You are amazing. Really.I LOVE looking at all your photographs.Wow.
oh my freakin heck Shannon, these are all awesome. I totally love the last one cause it just speaks passsion to me!
Love those pictures!
That’s hot.
You have such a knack of capturing THE moment. These pix are very personal and amazing. They should be on a card or a magazine..I would also not touch wet sand unless I looked like that. It makes me want to marry a fireman adn be a size 3 and roll around in the waves..I love the one with her on his shoulder and the last one…. they are all unbelievable though…
These are my favorite. #10 is so fabulous. And message on the sign in #17 speaks volumes regarding relationships.
You are amazing!! I can’t believe how cool these pics are! You are so talented. I love ALL of you pics. They hold so much meaning. All I can say is WOW
Crying proudly. Beautilarious!!!!
#15 and #19 I lurve! I love how wet they are and they’re having a ball!
Those are hot! Even better than the last ones! You are SO talented, but you already know that.
Man! I wish my engagement photos were this hot.
2 and 4 are my favorite. these are all really amazing. someday when steph comes down, i’ll have to tag along to your house and maybe you can give me a lesson with my LAME point and shoot. :)this couple is so photogenic. my husband and i would look like two geeks rolling around in the sand. literally geeks. :)(steph gardners sister)
so cute- makes me miss being a newliwed (and my newliwed booty in fitted jeans)
You’re living the good life, girl! I honestly can’t choose a favorite, but I know who my favorite photographer is…beautiful…must feel so good to have indisputable evidence of your talent!I always enjoy your photos and posts. Can’t wait for more.
Thank you for sharing these! What a gorgeous couple – and you caught them in some amazing moments. I love how masculine his hand looks pressing into the sand. Nice firefighter! I also love the ones where he is lifting her. Was it as cold as it looks?
It wasn’t as cold as it was wet… just a bunch of rain all over us and our gear. I was so nervous about damage but it all worked out.
Again, these are incredible. I can’t believe you got to shoot these gorgeous people out in the rain! It sounds enchanting! And, especially that you worked with John Michael Cooper! Can’t wait to hear all about it on our drive to Vegas. You are seriously amazing.
You are fabulous… I’ve never wanted to be someone more than that chick in your shots. When can we book you before you’re too famous for us little people???
Those are awesome! Could you just photoshop our faces (my husband and I) into those?? Come on, I KNOW you could! I think the shot with the shoes should have some other articles of clothing scattered by them too!!
Queen, you’re quite right. Everyone should book me immediately before I get too famous ;o)
Wowser! Incredible!
I love viewing your work and I adore these images..they are moody and restless and just..beautiful.Jen Lee
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