Quilts – from the beginning

by Lucky Red Hen on June 4, 2006

Per Compulsive Writers request (well, insistance), I’m going to post the quilts I’ve made that I actually have pictures of. In the beginning of my quilt making days, I started out small and simple. My MIL taught me to sew as an adult (my own mom attempted to teach me but as a young girl I had NO attention span for it) in 2001.

My son’s blankie was the first quilt ever. Notice how the backside, that’s supposed to be 1 whole piece, has a border on it? Well, measuring isn’t my strong suit and I made the top too big to fit the back and had to jimmy-rig the back to fit. That was an ordeal — being my first quilt and all.

The second was made from some squares I bought on eBay (that’s the middle) then the checkered lavender fabric was vintage that I also got on eBay. That was my first time stippling (quilting by hand with the machine in a puzzle-shape pattern but using no pattern, just eyeballed it).

My first attempt at Yellow Brick Road (although not my last). I made a handful of these because I didn’t realize all the fabric would make so many. So there are a few with these same fabrics floating around out there. Maybe about 3 or 4 more.

This is little Jenna on her blankie. She’s bonded with it and still? sleeps with it (she’s 5ish). Well, the last time I talked with her mom she told me about how she couldn’t go to sleep without it. That makes me feel mushy inside. LOVE it.

Diane’s quilt was made out of much love for “Other Mother” so her grandkids would have a blankie they’d use when visiting Nana and Papa’s house. Her favorite color is blue and I used vintage replicated fabrics.

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