Allen Stone

Butter Bell: Where’s YOUR Butter?

by Lucky Red Hen on June 12, 2012

Our (no picture to show you of its cuteness) butter dish with lid broke. Sigh.

I spied it in a second hand shop and bought it on the spot because 1) we didn’t have a butter container and I don’t want to eat margarine, 2) it perfectly matched my red dishes, and 3) room temperature butter is LIKE BUTTER (get it?) to spread. My butter wants equal opportunity to spread itself all over whatever I’m covering.

Yes, I DID ask my butter and it DID answer me.

Then it collided with the floor and went in the trash. Photographing it afterwards would’ve been morbid. Yes, I like to see morbid stuff but I try not to torture my readers (hey, that’s YOU!)

Someone online mentioned they loved their butter bell, and since it’s European (aren’t European’s neat?) I figured I’d give it a try. Those Europeans have been around a lot longer than us, you know. (Wait. Is that right? I don’t even know. History is a mystery.)

I realize this is probably the weirdest angle to show our butter bell. But I'm lazy right now, and it's dark, so there.

I’d like to introduce you to my butter bell. It’s red (as you can see, above) like my dishes and sits inconspicuously on the counter, so it’s not gaudy. The instructions say to change the water every three days but I’ve heard, and have gone longer myself, that you can stretch that time depending on your location (probably has something to do with the humidity). And manufacturers usually lean on the super safe side so it could be three days for some areas, but it lasts longer (the water actually stays cool on our counter) at our house.

We got ours on (because we adore Amazon). Sorry brick & mortar shops; we still love you and will shop at your place if the prices are reasonable, we need it right away, your service is impeccable, or if you have something we can’t get online.

And have you heard of Ryan Innes and his butter-like chops? Please enjoy his favorite song of mine (and if you want to buy his stuff, go here, I bought the light blue t-shirt with red/yellow logo of his cute face.)

THE BUTTER SONG by Ryan Innes with Chase Baker

The first time I met Ryan Innes was at Sammy’s Pie Shake in Pleasant Grove after his gig. Man he can bust a tune LIVE! LOVE it! He kindly posed for a pic with yours truly :) (I don’t get THAT excited for pics with just any musician, just two so far… Ryan and Allen Stone.)

That’s not all! I professed my love to his Butter Song in person and continually on Twitter so much that we had this little Tweet Fest about it…

Heavenly. Isn’t that sweet? Yes, yes it is! Squee!

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